Library Cards
Applying for a library card is fast and easy! If you… Live in Warren County Own property in Warren County Go to school in Warren County Or work in Warren County You are eligible for a free library card! If none of the above four criteria apply to you, you may still obtain a “non-resident” library card. The fee for a non-resident card is $25.00 per year. The card is good for one year from the date of issue.
To apply for a library card, simply visit the circulation desk of the library. You will fill out the necessary paperwork and present proof of your Warren County address, school, property or business. Identification must be a government issued ID with the applicant’s photo on it. All cards are renewed on a yearly basis. When you renew your card, you will need to present identification to verify the information listed in your account.
With your card, you may check out books, DVD’s and audio books or borrow materials from other libraries. Your library card number will allow you to check your account and place reserves on items using either the library’s public access computers or by accessing the catalog link on this web site. Replacement cost for lost library cards is $2.00 for the first card and $5.00 for each card thereafter.
Interlibrary Loan
The library is unable to own every item that our patrons want or need, so we depend upon sharing materials with other libraries. We borrow from and lend items to libraries throughout Mississippi. The service is free and patrons may request up to five different items per calendar year. Fees will apply only if borrowed materials are returned late, lost or damaged. You may request an item by, Logging into your account on the online catalog. Click on Reserves/Requests. Look for “Is the library missing something?” Click on the link, “let us know,” and provide the title and author (please note, we are unable to obtain audio visual items and eBooks through Interlibrary Loan). Click “Send request.”
Contact a library staff member, who will assist you in filling out a blue Interlibrary Loan Request Card.”
Internet Access
Internet access is available to library patrons free of charge. Copies of printed materials are $.20 per page. Internet usage is allowed by patrons 14 years and older, with a maximum daily usage of 3 hours per day.
When signing up for time, the initial time block is for 1 hour. Near the end of the time period, if there is not a waiting list for computers, you may extend your session for 15 minutes at a time up to the maximum time of 3 hours total. You must sign a usage agreement available at the Reference Desk.
Non-library card holders may obtain a guest pass to enjoy one free hour of Internet access. Additional time may be obtained for a fee of $1.00 per hour with a maximum daily usage of 3 hours per day.
Please review the library’s Public Computer & Internet Acceptable Use Policy.
You must type in your 14-digit barcode and your four-digit pin number to access your account. If you do not find the item in our catalog, it could be because the library is in the process of ordering the item. For questions about reserves, please call the library or E-mail Lesa Foster.
Want to read the latest bestseller, but don’t want to buy it? Why not try contacting the library for a copy! Library card holders have the ability to place reserves on items through accessing our card catalog in the library or online by clicking on the riverboat below:
Word Processing Use
We have computers with Microsoft Word available to the public for word processing. These require your library card and four-digit PIN. Non-library card holders may obtain a guest pass and enjoy one hour of computer time for free. Additional time may be obtained for a fee of $1.00 per hour with a maximum daily usage of 3 hours per day. Check at the Reference Desk for more information. Copies of printed materials are $.20 per page, black and white only.